A message to schools, from UVic Student Recruitment/Advising:
Our Recruitment and Admission Offices are in one of the busiest times of the year, but I have several updates to share with you.
1. Student Awards and Financial Aid (SAFA)
a. Specific-criteria Entrance Scholarship application is now open until April 30.
2. Self-Reporting
a. All applicants have been emailed about the dates and instructions for self-reporting. Please note that the deadline for applicants to complete self-reporting is March 15.
3. Our virtual event series is underway and we are currently hosting presentations for current applicants. The “Next Steps” presentation (aka Self-Reporting 101) will walk students through the self-reporting form and give helpful information on how to best complete the self-reporting process. We know that students always have questions about self-reporting, so please encourage your students to register for one of the upcoming sessions.
a. Faculty specific virtual events will begin on February 22 and will be hosting a variety of sessions, including an Open House, sample lecture and student panel. These events are geared towards applicants and admitted students, however you are welcome to promote these events to keen Grade 10 and 11 students. Please note that the registration form asks for a UVic student number. For non-applicants, please ask them to put any number in the field to be able to submit the registration form.
b. Registration 101 virtual sessions will begin in mid-May. The Events website will be updated in April and your students will be emailed when the event registration opens.
4. Ministry of Education Transcripts – For all current BC high school applicants
a. Our Admissions Office is currently in the implementation process for a new reporting mechanism from the Student Transcript Service (STS). So what does this mean for your students?
i. If a student has not already completed the STS transcript request form, we ask that they wait to submit the request form until they receive an email from the UVic Admissions Office.
ii. If a student has already submitted the STS transcript request form, they will also receive an email from the Admissions Office and be asked to resubmit the request form.
iii. Detailed instructions will included in the email so applicants know how to complete the request form for UVic admissions.
Please reach out if you or your students have any questions. I am available through email, phone and virtual meetings.
Book an appointment with me | Register for an event
Stephanie Parker-Huskinson, BA
Student Recruitment Officer
University of Victoria | uvic.ca