There are three distinct types of Work Experience available to students. Core to all three types is the notion that there is great value to students when they get the opportunity to learn about a workplace setting or organization outside the bounds of the traditional classroom. In some instances this might be in an unpaid capacity as a volunteer, or in a paid capacity as an employee. Students are not required to do volunteer work experience.
The three modes of Work Experience are as follows:
30 hour minimum required to satisfy Career Life Connections 12 criteria (paid or unpaid)
Work Experience (WEx) 12A and 12B: 120 hour elective courses (paid or unpaid)
Youth Work In Trades (WRK) 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B: 120 hour elective courses that must be in a specific trade area as an indentured apprentice (must be paid)
Select one of the buttons below to learn more about each of these options.