Students are invited to a regional SFU admissions webinar, “See Yourself at SFU.” The webinar will focus on SFU’s program options, admission requirements, student life, and more. The webinars are November 15th, and occur from 12pm-1pm and 4pm-5pm. The hour includes a presentation and a Q&A session. Here are the links to register for these events.
Monday, November 15th 12pm-1pm—Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast:
Monday, November 15th 4pm-5pm—Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast:
If you have any other questions about the webinar, please do not hesitate to contact Madison Chad, Student Recruitment.
Madison Chad -
Recruitment Coordinator | Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions
Simon Fraser University | MBC 3000
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6