A message to schools, from UofT Student Recruitment officer, Emily Nicotera:
As we continue to support students in this virtual environment, I wanted to set up some dedicated opportunities for your students who are at the early stages of their post-secondary exploration process. Since our usual public event isn’t possible and recognizing that in-school time is likely more precious than ever, I have created a series of virtual events specifically for these younger students after school or in the evening so that parents and families can attend as well if they would like.
The three sessions will have the same content but I wanted to provide a few different options to allow for different schedules and I would appreciate if you could share them with your students:
Registration for these events is open now and once students register they will receive the link via email.
If you or any other counsellors or teachers do want to attend a session, please let me know and I can share a link that bypasses the registration process for you. However, we will also be hosting some sessions for counsellors during the school day—registration links were sent out in our spring counsellor newsletter but the dates for these sessions are Thursday, May 13th and Wednesday, June 2nd — both at 12:00 pm EDT/9:00 am PDT.
In addition to this support for younger students my colleagues across all three campuses are running sessions for current applicants and have even begun some transition workshops for newly admitted students. Admitted students can find information about these events in their Welcome Guide which is hosted in the Join U of T site.
Emily Nicotera, M.Ed. | Senior Recruitment Officer – North America (International Students)
University of Toronto, Nona Macdonald Visitors Centre
25 King's College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
416-978-0287 | future.utoronto.ca
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers