The YEP - Youth Engagement Program has a variety of ongoing opportunities for learning, skill building, earning credentials and volunteering!
Peninsula Country Market needs volunteers on Saturdays in the Kids Zone to help with the free play area, crafts and other activities!
The Lion's Club pancake breakfast is happening July 1st and needs volunteers to help serve em up!
July 4th is the YEP BBQ kick-off - learn more about the Youth Engagement Program over a free lunch!
The Recycling Team is having their first meet-up on July 8th, meet the team and brainstorm ideas for a recycling program at the Peninsula Country Market!
Take Food Safe Training Level One at the Shoal Centre for only $60 on July 15th!
Take your Emergency First Aid with CPR -C at the SHOAL Centre for just $55 on July 21st!
More information including how to register for these limited capacity events , see attached poster or email to register now!