Recruiting Female Applicants!
Ignite your passion. Ignite the possibilities. Ignite tomorrow’s opportunities!
2021 Camp Ignite Mentorship Program
This year’s camp will be a two day event on August 14 and 15
Day 1 will be in Vancouver and Day 2 will be in North Vancouver.
Due to Covid restrictions, the camp will operate on a day camp basis with no overnight accommodation or travel arrangements offered.
The camp is open to girls in grades 11-12 (ages 16-18), and introduces students to the world of firefighting.
Saanich Fire is looking to sponsor one grade 11 or 12 female student. This includes the cost of the camp, cost of return ferry trip for student and chaperone as well as one night hotel accommodation.
For more information see Poster and the Camp Ignite website www.campignite.comApplications are due by June 1, 2021