Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Victoria

Picture of Linda Jackson
Volunteer Victoria
by Linda Jackson - Thursday, 17 May 2018, 11:18 AM

If you are between the ages of 15-29 Volunteer Victoria can help you:

  • Explore how volunteering can be used to your benefit

  • Use volunteering to reach your personal, professional, academic goals and more!

  • Learn more about the non-profit community

  • Find (or create) a volunteer position(s)

  • Develop your resume and prepare for interview

  • Support you through your volunteer journey

Our goal is to help youth succeed at volunteering and to provide the tools and support they need as they explore their volunteering options. We meet with youth one-on-one, in groups, in classrooms, and community settings.

Contact George Colussi at george@volunteervictoria.bc.ca  for more information.

Youth Advising Program

Volunteer Victoria