A message to schools from Jenika Heim, Advisor, EducationUSA:
I wanted to send a reminder that the EducationUSA Arts Showcase is 3-5 pm ET on Thursday, October 15th. I will begin by going over how to apply to arts programs in the United States, what the difference is between a BA and a BFA, and some tips for the audition or portfolio. Then, 6 diverse U.S. universities will present their arts programs, admissions processes, scholarship opportunities, and more!
EducationUSA Canada Virtual Arts Showcase: https://www.bigmarker.com/educationusa-canada/EducationUSA-Canada-Arts-Virtual-Showcase
I have attached Social Media images in every time zone in Canada to help you share with interested students! Here is a caption that you can include. Make sure to put in your local time zone!
Join EducationUSA on Thursday, October 15, 2020 for the Arts Virtual Showcase!!
Admissions representatives from institutions with top arts programs will be presenting from 3-5pm EDT.
Topics will include the difference between BAs and BFAs as well as tips for auditions and portfolios.
If you’re interested in pursuing music, dance, theater, graphic design, film, or any program in the fine or performing arts, this showcase is for you!
Representatives from @uweauclaire , @amdaofficial , @muhlenbergcollege , @saicpics , @mihollywood , and @gwuniversity will be in attendance!
Register now at http://bit.ly/EdUSAArtsShowcase
Jenika Heim
Adviser | EducationUSA
Fulbright Canada
350 Rue Albert St. Suite 2015
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 1A4
+1.613.688.5519 | jheim@fulbright.ca | educationusacanada.ca