SD63 Career Education Front Page News

Carpentry Program is building a Tiny House!!

Picture of Linda Jackson
Carpentry Program is building a Tiny House!!
by Linda Jackson - Monday, 13 May 2019, 8:23 AM

We're not just building houses, we're building sustainable futures!  Saanich School District is launching a revamped version of their Carpentry program this February.  
Read the complete article: Part 1

The revitalized Saanich Carpentry program is entering its third month as this story goes to press, and the class's "tiny house" project is well underway. 
Read the complete article: Part 2

As the construction of the Saanich Carpentry program's tiny house draws to a close, it's generating a lot of interest and
excitement. Excitement about the project may only be eclipsed by the accomplishments of the students in this unique program.
Read the complete article: Part 3