Post Secondary School/University Information

University of Toronto Latest Updates

Picture of Cammie Watson
University of Toronto Latest Updates
by Cammie Watson - Monday, 28 October 2024, 9:46 AM

Fall Newsletter

October 2024

Two students working on a robotic arm

It's hard to believe that we're almost at the end of October! Our team has been busy this fall connecting with prospective students across Canada. 
Here are a few updates from us that we hope you find useful...

Application updates

The admissions process is well underway. Applications are being processed and applicants are getting access to our Join U of T applicant portal to complete their next steps. Find information on how applications are assessed here.

Our recommended application date is November 7 and our final application deadline is January 15See all of our important applications dates here.

For your students who plan on applying to U of T this year, please encourage them to submit their application by November 7 so that their application will be ready to be assessed for all rounds of admission.

Admission decisions

Admission decisions will be released in monthly rounds starting in January and through to late May—and into the summer depending on the applicant. Not all program areas will release admission decisions in all rounds of admission. Also, multiple applications are considered independently, so a student may receive admission decisions at different times if they have more than one application to U of T.

a group of people sitting on the stairs in a library

Scholarships and financial aid

University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students (UTAPS)

The University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students program (or UTAPS) is the University's largest need-based support program for domestic students and covers the financial gap between a student's actual education costs and the costs recognized by their provincial/territorial government student financial aid program.

All incoming students who would like to be considered for UTAPS must complete an application through the Need Navigator, along with any supporting documentation required as stated on the student's application by the deadline. Details about the application on Need Navigator will be sent to students in the spring.

Find more about UTAPS eligibility.

Learn more about UTAPS.

The Awards Profile

While every applicant is automatically assessed for merit-based admission awards, the Awards Profile is a student’s best opportunity to make themselves eligible for admission awards based on financial need, leadership, school involvement, community involvement, extra-curricular activities, artistic achievements, sporting achievements and other criteria.

Access to the Awards Profile is granted to eligible candidates after they apply to the university. They can access the Awards Profile on the Join U of T Applicant Portal.

Find out more about student awards.

Find out more about the Awards Profile.

Reach out anytime

You can contact our recruitment team by email: Thank you for your continued support as we navigate the coming year. We look forward to connecting soon!