Job Opportunities

Duck Chucker (Vancovuer Island Retriever Club)

Picture of Linda Jackson
Duck Chucker (Vancovuer Island Retriever Club)
by Linda Jackson - Friday, 28 September 2018, 11:30 AM

Urgent - Short Notice Vancouver Island Retriever Club
Is looking for 4-5 students to be “Duck Chuckers”!!
Saturday, September 29th and Sunday, September 30th
7:00 am to 5:00 pm (Island View Road & Mount Newton Cross Road)
$15.00 hour, lunch will be provided (Must be 16 years of age)
This is Field trial training for actual working/hunting dogs!
This opportunity is not for the faint of heart.
Participants will receive an orientation on shooting a mock firearm that simulates firing a shotgun. They will also be required to throw dead ducks for the dogs to retrieve. Participants who complete the orientation will be certified as official “Duck Chuckers” (gunner/thrower) for our retriever field trials!!

