Opportunities for Girls

A Guide to University Applications

Picture of Katherine Slingsby
A Guide to University Applications
by Katherine Slingsby - Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 9:18 AM

Are you a student who could use some support with the University Application process? 

The Minerva Youth Advisory Council will be hosting a virtual university panel on Nov 14th at 6:30 PM PST

This event will feature a presentation covering several aspects of the university application process, such as choosing schools to apply to, answering written questions, and building a scholarship resume. There will also be a panel-style discussion featuring mentors from UVic, UBC, and UOttawa! This event is best suited for students who are looking to start university next fall.

Tickets are free! Visit this link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/starting-the-next-chapter-a-guide-to-university-applications-tickets-749258782187?aff=oddtdtcreator