A message to school staff, from Severine Tyszewicz, Program Coordinator, Greater Victoria Green Team:
Hello Claremont Secondary School Staff!
My name is Severine and I am the Program Coordinator for the Greater Victoria Green Team. We are organizing some hands-on environmental stewardship activities around the View Royal and North Saanich areas and would love to invite students, staff, and their families to join us!
These family-friendly activities are for all ages and focus on facilitating connections between people, trying and learning new things, exploring local greenspaces, and feeling part of a community, all while having a positive environmental impact. Letters confirming volunteer hours at any of these activities will be written upon request.
We will be removing invasive species from parks in View Royal and North Saanich to help increase biodiversity and make the area more resilient!
NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! ALL AGES, backgrounds and abilities are invited. Gloves, tools, snacks, educational instruction, and a small thank you gift will be provided.
Sunday Nov. 19 Lund Rd. Protected Area, View Royal Invasive Scotch Broom Removal 9:45am to 1:00pm (MORE DETAILS & SIGN UP HERE)
Saturday Nov. 25 Denham Till Park, North Saanich Invasive English Ivy and Himalayan Blackberry Removal 9:45am - 1:00pm (MORE DETAILS & SIGN UP HERE).
Thank you so much for your time and all that you do, we really appreciate it!